
A Daily New Year

Are you a New Year's resolution maker? Every December do you make a list of areas that need tweaking? Fixing? Or possibly need a complete overhaul?

I am not that person. One day I seem to be on top of things and in one moment all can change. Maybe that's why I never make resolution commitments because eventually I won't live up to most of them. All that pressure hanging over my head to be more organized, eat healthier, manage my time better or becoming closer connected with friends makes my head spin. I guess that's what life is all about: FLEXIBILITY!! I know my life is known for curve balls and circumstances, isn't it?

Every day I strive to be the best wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend, which I hate to admit I fall short of from time to time. But what about my character? Do I ooze Christ in my daily life? Do I aim to please others or God? Do I put gain in earthly idols or the fruits of the Spirit? This shouldn't be a yearly reflection when December 31st rolls around, but a daily conviction and renewal. If my goal was to become more like Christ wouldn't other areas naturally do a 180 and improve?

What about you? Have you made any resolution plans? Need to refine an area in your life? (And just because it's typed with black/white in my comments section doesn't mean I'll beat you up if you don't live up to your promise -- we're human!)

Here's to a New Year in my journey with the Lord!