
New Wave

Ok, I am sensing a recurring theme here: NEWNESS!

This morning while my boys inhaled their "breakfast tacos", which are basically small pancakes wrapped around a sausage link (by the way, Pamela's Baking/Pancake Mix makes the best gluten free pancakes that even Steve and I eat them), Howard Jones' "New Song" came on our satellite's radio.

Now unless you had your head in the sand during the 80's, you should know some of Howard Jones' singles such as "Everlasting Love" and "No One Is to Blame". Not that I am an 80's techno-music fan (well, maybe I was), but this one spoke volumes after I declared my renewal:

"Don’t crack up, bend your brain, see both sides, throw off your mental chains......"

And in the midst of our meal my boys decided to break out dancing. Point well taken, guys!