What You Don't See May Surprise You
As I studied this photo it made me think: while trying to smile appearing to be all put together, may not appear to be so.
Behind this mommy is a woman who sometimes allows potato chips for breakfast. During my workout (which I am committed to keep up with) I sit Mark in front of the office's TV with a full hour of Blue's Clues to keep him occupied. And, yes, when that ring pop falls in the grass, I may not rinse it off. A little of the Earth's minerals can't be all that bad, right?
And for those of you wondering, those dust bunnies are still on the window trim. Will I ever get to them? Ask me again in another week or two or three....
As I type my bed is not made. Maybe I won't even get to it today. And I could probably spend time cleaning my bathrooms and organizing closets, but it's a nice day. We'll end up hitting our neighborhood park instead. So what if the house isn't neat and tidy!
So here I am. In all my messy, imperfect glory. With these grease stains on my shirt.
What grease stains are you trying to hide?