
New Crocs and a Chop

Last week I bought my second pair of Crocs thanks to a gift card I won at a fundraiser back in April. Since we are Chicago Cubs fans I chose a nice Cubbie blue pair. What do you think? Matt also chose a church-wearing chocolate brown pair. Yes, at our church many kids (adults too) wear their Crocs with dress pants, shorts, sundresses and all. Stylin' man!

So with the gift card, plus a 20% off coupon, I got a great deal. SCORE! (Hi-5 to Hallmark)

And what do you think of my new hairdo? I've been growing out my layers and bangs, so I chopped it up to my shoulders. You moms know how important a fuss-free style can be. Bangs do well after a shampoo/style, but straight outta bed not so much - at least for me. So far so good and soooo easy!

(My boys' bathroom mirror practically covers the entire wall. You can imagine how many toothpaste spatters I clean up in a week. Good grief, that snapshot reveals all of me, including my camera and tanless legs!)

And I want to send my apologies to our neighborhood for hearing the many yells, cheers, rants, screams and even foot stompings from our family room Sunday. It was the Bears season opener and they lost. Oh boo hoo....then I flipped to the Food Network!

Today Mark and I are off to our library's story hour. Hope he enjoys that!