What on Earth is happening?

My best friend from the Lonestar State is up visiting. Oh how I love Kristi! Our kids love their time together and we are catching up on our lives too. Feels good. (This was the only opportunity to take a snapshot with all of them in one place -- watching TV.)
I signed both boys up for a Father's Day craft project through our parks department and realized next time I will assume it's for children in grade school. Here I thought they would do a simple memory hand stamp or something, but no, it was an serious art project that took over an hour to do. Throw an almost 3-year old in the mix and, oh my, I was on edge. Mark was ready to dive into the paint tray and have some serious fun. Live and learn.
Steve's work schedule is less demanding during summer break and some days it's good to meet him for lunch. The boys sprint to the high school's front doors. They can't wait to see their daddy and roam the empty school halls.
And lately I've been receiving emails from many companies wanting to promote products on my blog. Anything from Precious Moments sales to tropical island lotions to school supplies to photography. I haven't responded yet and not sure if I will.
Swimming lessons. Oh yes! Everyday Matt counts the hours until 12:30pm when we leave. He loves loves loves loves them!
Sometimes my exercise routine is interrupted by two boys bickering upstairs over what show to watch. One wants Dora the Explorer while the other prefers Pokemon. One wants the rocker while the other wants the office chair. I find myself yelling in between breaths, "Boys, I am exercising! Don't make me angry by having to come up and deal with you!"
Throw in outside play, walks to the park, trying desperately to keep up with the household chores and extra time in our morning jammies and you have days that are over before we know it. Until we meet again.......