
CWO: In "Other" Words

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." Albert Einstein

Before my son, Matthew, turned two he was battling symptoms of Celiac Disease. Along with horrible diarrhea he was cranky, in abdominal pain, and his joints were sore. It was two long months that I do not want to relive and choose to forget. I felt desperate, lonely, and tired, like no one could understand my situation. Every day was a battle and I cried every hour.......sometimes every minute.......of every day. It was a difficult situation. A horrible time in Matthew's life. Our family was struggling to hold it together emotionally.

But even in the midst of this desperate time there was opportunity!

During our frequent trips to our local city's children's hospital we had the opportunity to minister God's love to the nurses, doctors, and other patients. We witnessed other families going through worse circumstances and saw the fear on their faces as they were facing their own battles. We encouraged one another. We showed up to our appointments with positive attitudes. We displayed kindness to the staff as we waited endless hours for labs and interns. Quickly we learned that we could be a light even though our situation tried to create darkness:

  • To reflect Christ.
  • Show His love.
  • Be an encourager.
  • Throughout our trial wearing the name of Jesus!!!

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness." James 3:17

What circumstance is leaving you a bit overwhelmed? Feeling empty? Are you asking the Lord, "God, how can I be used in the middle of this?"

We have no excuse but to glorify Him in ALL circumstances. To be peacemakers bearing good fruit. Let us focus on that and not the situation that is leaving you empty and tired. God will take care of the rest!