

Matt's spring break = Steve's spring break = cold temperature break (70's/sunny here) = being inside break = blogging break!!!
Have a great week!!


Let's Get the Ball Rollin'

This weekend the trumpet sounded. The call was made. It's time again for baseball (or softball in Steve's case). Both Steve and Matt start practice today and to get the ball rolling. Ha....ball.....rolling.....am I funny or what? *Drum beat placed here* I have to make a run to Costco and stock up on Gatorade, water bottles and snacks. Since Steve's school shares the same spring break with Matt's this week, I will run this errand alone -- no sippy cups or zip-locks bags full of cereal required.

Hum.....while I am at Costco I better stock up on some good grilling meats as well!


In the Middle

This week was spirit week at school. Matt is seen here before catching the bus celebrating "tropical day". (Kinda looks like Jimmy Buffet don't ya think?) On Thursday I volunteered to be a mom helper. When I walked in the classroom I heard his buddies say, "Matt, your mom is here." And Matt responded with this confident, but cool "I know". My heart was swelling with pride! As I filed papers I spied on Matthew interacting with his classmates. Every so often he caught me and gave me a smirk. I gave him a wink in return.

I know I have said this over and over again, but I love having boys. That bond between mother and son is so precious it's almost romantic -- in a non sexual way! The time we cuddle together is priceless. When he kisses me good night I feel like I am the only lady in his eyes, but as years pass I know this will change. His feet are still the cutest part of his body and I don't mind grabbing his toes and giving them a smooch every now and then. Gross? I don't care!

So here I am sandwiched between Steve, Matt and Mark -- I wouldn't have it any other way!



When leaving the house by myself, I make it a point to sneak out so Mark won't catch me abandoning him – or so he thinks. When his beloved mother leaves he acts as if I am tearing his heart apart. I never quite experienced this with Matthew since he adjusted well to strangers and other caregivers, but Mark was a different story. It was mom and mom only.

Yesterday I needed to leave and take Matt to karate and tackle some errands before picking him up. You know that feeling when you’re about to walk out the door anticipating the cries of your child. “Oh, mommy, please don’t go!!!” Well, I was ready....

.....nothing....he’s actually laughing! He told me “bye bye” with such confidence. Out the door I went without a whimper.

Upon returning home I walk thru the door and instead of Mark running to greet me shouting “maaaaaa”, I found him kicked-back on the glider watching TV with Dad. He just smiled and stayed put. Guess it wasn’t a big deal after all.

He’s growing up. Figuring out his emotions and learning how to cope. He’s needing mommy less and slowly learning independence. (Bittersweet, I know.) It made me think about my spiritual journey knowing Jesus. At first we crawl and then walk. We drink the milk of the Word and then learn to digest the meaty parts. We are dependent, then learn independence as we learn our confidence of who we are in Christ. We need discipling and then in turn disciple others. Our journeys are constantly evolving. Growing. Changing. We are being molded. Shaped. Pruned. And through all the disappointments, trials, joy, grief, comforts, peace, illnesses......o
ur God loves us the same!!


"It's a secret"

Here are some hilarious secrets Steve, Matt and I shared with each other this morning:

  • "Tickle Mom" (Matt to Steve)
  • "Beans and bacon" (Steve to Matt)
  • "Turkey legs" (I to Matt)

At this point I am mauled by Steve and Matt with tickle-torture.

  • "Tushy" (I to Matt)
  • "Toilet, poop, underwear...." (Matt to everyone -- you know how that goes!)
  • "Tickle Mom" (Matt to Steve)

Guess what happened again???


i heart crocs

These are the first pair of Crocs I purchased. They may not be the most fashionable, but my feet thank me everyday I wear them. During a heated battle or motivating bake-off every chore took on a whole new meaning in these comfy shoes. I anticipate the summer months when I wear my Crocs "commando". hee hee Fuchsia and cobalt blue are on my list -- addicting to say the least. Visit Adventures in Babywearing and share your pair today.



I am off to enjoy this glorious day. Allow the boys to run in and out of the back door. Grill some good eats. Walk to our neighborhood's park. Soak in some needed sun. Break out my capris pants. Summer is just around the corner!
(Remind me of this when it's 40 degrees again by the weekend)

"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24



Stephanie is asking us to show a cherished possession. I am a sucker for memories and sometimes it makes me a pack-rat. I could show a photo of my wedding ring or the box of crafts I attempted to do throughout grade school. Photos of past friends could fill up my post or something simple like our home phone that allows me to communicate with family and friends on a daily basis -- therapy indeed! As I thought and thought I realized that these things could burn up. In one moment I could lose any of these items which would make me ask myself "Where do I put my treasures in?" What is left for me to share, you ask? Well.......

It's our lives. Our memories. My family!!
Steve and Mark (then 9 months).Steve and I at Disney World in 2004.Steve and Matt (then 2-1/2).


A New Course of Action

I check my computer while I tackle things upstairs. The boys usually play in Matt's room -- laughing and then screaming someone took something from the other. I check email. Visit blogs. Reply to emails. Comment on other's blogs. Check our bills/online accounts. Before I know it, someone is hungry and we are back downstairs getting something to eat. It's a neverending cycle until.....
......I realized that I don't have to check this computer every blasted time I am upstairs. My time would be well spent playing a game with Matt, tickling Mark's plump feet or -- and please forgive me -- cleaning a bathroom. I know what you're thinking, but when I see rooms neglected it makes me feel my priorities are out of sorts. My blog can wait. Comments can wait. I don't have to post every day!
As I type this laundry is waiting. A kitchen needs tidying up. Dinner demands a plan of action. My kids need a mom to wrestle with. My hubby needs his best buddy (ME!). And finally a couch is calling my name for a catnap. So I will end this post and say I will enjoy some vacation time even if it only means a hot shower and a bowl of ice cream while watching a movie. Have a great weekend!
FYI: As you start your Saturday morning please tune into Qubo on NBC -- great family entertainment with a Godly message. Matt loves it!!!


A Nose of His Own!

We went to a car maintenance place to get the van's oil changed. How convenient is it that everyone stays in the vehicle while they work? HELLO! During our time there Matt exclaims, "Mom, it smells good in here!" I am not sure what he was thinking considering all I smelled was gasoline, engine oil and stale cigarette smoke. Did I miss something? Oh yeah, the wiff of Drakkar Noir when the guy asked the make/model of our van. Mixed that with everything else, well, you get the picture.

Then I spray a disinfectant cleaner in the bathroom. I get a repulsed comment like, "Ugh, Mom, what is that smell?" Puzzling.



Tuesdays Top Three

Top three things I would want on a deserted island:

1. Solar-powered phone (communicating with people makes me sane)

2. A huge box of matches (watching Tom Hanks work so hard to make fire frustrated me)

3. Sunscreen!!!

Visit Peanut Butter & Jelly Boats for more top three choices!!

Woes Me?

This weekend was nice. The boys slept in. Mark is 100% back to his usual healthy self and sleeping well. Matt watched his morning cartoons. We ate breakfast as a family. Made a trip out to Costco (love that place). Enjoyed the comforts of home during these windy/snowy days. (Spring is less than a month away!!)

I look back a week ago when I was frustrated and realize I have overcome another mountain. Moms know a home full of sick kids is no fun when you're juggling the usual chores. I had to remind myself there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes I have to remember this blog is called GLASS HALF FULL during my half empty days.

There were moments when I started having a pity party, but I was reminded of Julia. God knocked some sense into me and I snapped out of it.


My Bun in the Oven

This was taken on Mother's Day 2005, one month before Mark was born. Little did I know my water would break at the mall and I would drive home on a towel! Bananas with a tall glass of milk seemed to calm my constant acid reflux and I craved ICED coffees. Matt was so excited to have a brother -- not a sister -- and I admit desiring to be "the queen" of the house too. I look more W I D E than pregnant!! What do they say about feeling like an elephant?

Visit Adventures in Babywearing for more bump photos!


I'll have a.........

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