What a journey!!!
I can’t remember a time when my brother, Jeff, was not in school. From high school to college to his masters degree, he was always studying, researching, testing and writing. Finally Saturday he received his doctorate in psychology. It has been a long journey which deserves much celebration and recognition. What an accomplishment!!
Friday we traveled to Terre Haute, IN for the weekend’s ceremony and festivities. We celebrated with pizza and a dessert spread. Jeff gave us a tour of his new office -- quite a pad!! Better yet, despite the lack of scheduling my boys are used to they did so well. A babysitter was hired to help watch the kids during all the events. I know -- AWESOME!!! Mark went with the flow and Matthew found a playmate in Jacob (Jeff’s best friend’s son). We absorbed every bit of family time. Matthew is always thrilled with hotel stays and Mark had a great first time experience with it.Traveling. You long for that hotel stay. Indoor pool/hot tub. Restaurants. Continental breakfasts. Maid service. No bedtimes. Did I mention the hot tub?
In a couple days we anticipated home again. Sleeping in our own beds. Home-cooked meals. The smell of freshly laundered clothes. Early bedtimes. Schedules. Home sweet home.
P.S. Doesn't this photo of my boys in the pool scream "SUMMER!" Please, don't make me cry!!!!
Now I need to focus on hosting Christmas Eve dinner for my side of the family.......