Matthews T & F
Earlier this week Matthew went on his first field trip to our local apple orchard. Despite the cloudy, wet day he had fun. I was given a bag of apples picked by yours truly. I threw one away since it looked like he found it on the ground -- bruised and half eaten. *GROSS* He also added a very small apple for Mark. How sweet!After a long morning at the orchard Matthew wanted to spend the afternoon with his best buddy in the neighborhood, Matthew (aka Matthew F.) When they get together there is always confusion who is talking to whom. It’s cute! And to boot Matthew F. has a sister, Maggie, and then there is our Mark. Talk about attack of the names beginning with the letter M!
“Hey, not you Matthew, the other Matthew. Get Maggie.......ur.......I mean get Mark and grab your shoes.”
During their last time together the Matthews decided to have a Spongebob pajama party with popcorn and a movie -- and it was only 4pm. HA! To be a kid again!