"You are so yummy!"
I say this every morning to Mark. He is all smiles when I walk into his bedroom. I kiss his head before changing the first diaper of the day. He lets me know exactly what I'll find: "poo poo" or "pee pee"
I say this when he runs to me. We sit on the floor. I kiss his plump feet. Tickle his neck. Make him laugh hard, you know, that "belly laugh".
I say this when he makes his usual teethy grin. He always stops for a quick snapshot!
I say this after dinner when ketchup is smeared around his lips. Applesauce in his hair. Mark has never been a neat eater. I take him to the sink to wash up. He loves the feel of foam soap between his fingers.
I say this after a bath. He dances naked and refuses to put his PJ's on. He requests many books to be read. I don't have to elborate on how much I love that fresh-out-of-the-bath scent. Moms know.
I say this while we sit together on the couch before "night night". He grabs a fleece blanket and leans on my side. I eat this time up, even though he's picking his nose or passing gas then quickly acknowledging "me!"

"Mark, you are so yummy!"
COMING SOON: "The Family Table" Where does your family frequently eat their meals? Is it a regular table? An island w. barstools? The living room couch? Get your cameras ready and snap a shot of your "family table". I can't wait to see and share!!