
7 Things You Don't Know About Me

Ok, I've done this before here and here. Let me pick my brain even more to reveal things you may not already now about me.

1. I can juggle. Not well, but average.

2. Five years ago Steve and I vacationed in San Diego. When we came back to our hotel from a day long tour around the area, we walked into the elevator with Chrissie Hynde (The Pretenders). It was my first time being star-struck. We shared that ride for many floors. Very cool!

3. I share my birthday with President Ronald Reagan (February 6th).

4. This may not necessarily be about me, but today the Midwest will set a record high: mid 60's. Talk about weird! This morning Matt wore his light jacket to school -- in January!

5. I love pineapple and Canadian bacon on pizza.

6. I have never had a manicure.

7. I am the only girl among my brothers and male cousins. No wonder God blessed me with two boys. I have lots of experience!

Thanks for the tag, Steph! Here are mine: